Expedition 360 Latest Report
Expedition 360


We are very grateful to the following companies who are providing equipment, services and support for the leg through Asia.

>> Aberdeen Asset Management is assisting financially and with logistical support with our educational and charity activities throughout SE Asia.

>> Schenker Singapore is providing logistics solutions support, including shipping pedal boat Moksha from Singapore to Mumbai.

Schenker is a leading international provider of integrated logistics services; providing land operations, worldwide air and sea freight, and all associated logistics services.

>> Curious Software Company is kindly providing high quality professional information graphics for use in our video exchange program and other educational media projects.

>> The SAF Yacht Club is providing secure storage facilities for the duration of Moksha's stay in Singapore.
>> McMurdo UK has loaned the use of one Fastfind Personal Locator Beacons (PLB). Operating on 406 MHz, they feature the same advanced technology as found in the larger award winning Rescue EPIRB.
 >> Akimbo is the first fully functioning marriage of TV and the Internet, combining easy access to new and exciting shows on the internet with the comfort of watching them in your living room on TV. Akimbo is providing X360 with general support and assistance.
>> Map Resources are providing online maps

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