Expedition 360 Latest Report
Expedition 360


We are very grateful to the following companies who are providing equipment, services and support for the Indian Ocean crossing.

>> ABERDEEN ASSET MANAGEMENT are assisting financially in the capacity of title sponsor.

>> Travel Insurance Services offers progressive travel insurance and international medical policies. They are providing sponsorship for the journal.

>> The UK HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE (UKHO) has donated British Admiralty charts for the voyage.

>> MCMURDO UK has loaned the use of Fastfind Personal Locator Beacons (PLB). Operating on 406 MHz, they feature the same advanced technology as found in the larger award winning Rescue EPIRB.

>> DISCOVER POWER are providing 3 x 11w watt flexible solar panels to power the electonics aboard Moksha.

>> RUDY PROJECT are providing eyewear.
>> DOMETIC - ORIGO are providing a replacement alcohol burning stove (one of the safest fuels to burn at sea).
>> HARKEN - a leading manufacturer and marketer of quality sailboat hardware and accessories - have assisted with preparing the pedal unit drive assembly. Thankyou Mark!
>> IRIDIUM are providing subsidized airtime to allow text updates and still images to be sent via the Iridium family of satellites back to this website.

A big thanks also to Terry of Glassbroker and Screen Company in Colorado for preparing replacement polycarbonate windows for Moksha. And also to Joe Irons for rounding up the additional kit we needed to service the pedal units.


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