Expedition 360 Latest Report
Expedition 360


Eilbhe Donovan had first met the expedition team in Europe prior to Jason and Steve pedaling across the Atlantic in 1994/5. Seeking some company following his split with Jason, Steve invited Eilbhe - who had never biked further than the off license before - to accompany him on the 3,500 mile bike across the southern US to San Francisco.

Name >> EILBHE DONOVAN (graphic designer)
Country >>
Ireland, Dublin
Age >>
27 yrs

"...she arrived, totally unfit, to a shocking climate of 102F with 100% humidity. Eilbhe had never trained for any sport in her life, and had cycled no further than the local shops and back. I found my challenge in hers, not just to see her cycle the distance, but to see that she enjoyed the experience. Our enemies were bloodthirsty insects, heat and the maddening drone of automobiles. Our allies were the cool lakes at sunset, the gentle passing of nature and the hundreds of kind souls we encountered on the way..." Steve Smith.

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