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August 30, 2005
Math Lesson #5 - Craters in the Clouds
Volcanoes are one of Indonesia’s favorite attractions. With caution, visiting one of these volcanoes can be the experience of a lifetime. They provide cool relief from the heat of the lowlands and give an opportunity to see some incredible wildlife, active geology and beautiful landscapes not found any where else.
Climbers must be prepared for cold temperatures and wet conditions when walking from sea level to nearly 4,000m in elevation. For every 500m gained in elevation, the temperature decreases by about 3 degrees C. By the time you’re above 2000m, temperatures can easily get below 10 degrees C at night, and above 3000m, you would be near the freezing point.
Combine the cold with lots of rain and you have a potentially dangerous situation if not prepared. But, visiting an active volcano can be well worth it if the hiker does his homework!
Lesson Activities:
• Use this formula to convert meters to feet: Multiply the number of meters by 3.28. Your answer will be the equivalent distance in feet. Convert the meters in this lesson to their equivalent in feet. Discover how far you would walk from sea level to the top of an active volcano!
• To convert C degrees to F degrees, multiply by 1.8 and add 32. Convert the degrees in this lesson to see just how cold it can get in the tropics!
Posted by barb at August 30, 2005 4:26 AM
Quiet good! I´ve found it very interesting, to share activities with techers of other parts of the world. In fact, each teacher must adapt this activity with his reality, butit´s such agood material.
I'm a brazilian student, I'malmost an english teacher. Do you havesomeenglish material?Please, answer me.
Posted by: Edmar at September 6, 2005 2:21 AM
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