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May 18, 2005
Social Studies Activity 3-Where in the World
What do you know of the country of Indonesia? Where on earth is it located and can you use the location of continents and larger countries to locate Indonesia? The answers to these questions might be found in your past association with its region of the world. If you have studied Australia, you probably know Indonesia lies to the north. If you have followed the news, you know it can be the hotbed of volcanic and earthquake activity, which has had a huge global impact.
Using an outline map of the Indonesian archipelago, label areas that are familiar. Include bodies of water, islands, places of interest, and adjoining land masses connected to that region of the world. As you create your map, think of all of the things you know about Indonesia from its early history to modern day current events. Why was it important to the world 400 years ago and how has it made headlines around the world ever since?
This social studies activity will help you to learn more about this fascinating region geographically and historically. What 'treasures' can you dig up in your quest to discover Indonesia?
Lesson Activitiy:
Outline maps and physical maps of Indonesia and surrounding bodies of water
journals, paper and pencils
Resource materials, websites, encyclopedias
colored pencils and markers for labeling
Using an outline map of Indonesia, label islands, bodies of water, and neighboring countries.
Identify the main islands in the Indonesian Archipelago from Timor to Sumatra.
Identify key places that made history when known as "The Spice Islands." Create a map key that explains this name.
Locate geographical places of interest, i.e. volcanoes, The Wallace Line, komodo dragons hangout, etc. Can you tell why this region is part of the "Ring of Fire?"
Research to find the difference in plant and animal species on islands either side of the Wallace Line. What does this line determine as it pertains to different species of plants and animals?
Investigate one or more facts about each of the islands you have labeled. Identify places of interest, things to do, music and art and their importance to the region. Include customs of the people and discover similarities in your customs.
Posted by april at 4:44 AM | Comments (0)
May 15, 2005
Welcome Expedition 360 Geographers & Historians!
Help Jason learn the history and geography of the area he is currently exploring. Read the Lessons, then use the given links to help you find the information, then post it in the given Comment box.
Lesson 1 - Leaping Lizards
Lesson 2 - What's in a Name?
Have fun!
Posted by barb at 4:06 AM | Comments (0)