Expedition 360 Latest Report
Expedition 360



FOR A DONATION equivalent to $20 US or 15 pounds sterling or more, your personal, family or loved one’s name will be added to Moksha’s hull in vinyl lettering – forever! A constantly revised database ensures that although all the names are periodically removed to allow the boat to be repainted, they are replaced each time in new vinyl along with new additions.

Over three thousand people now have their names inscribed on the side of the boat and are a testament to what Expedition 360 is all about: people acting from the heart to convert an ambitious idea into reality. Add yours today!

>> Click here for Payment Options
>> To PLACE YOUR ORDER please send email stating -
1. The inscription you’d like to have on the side of the boat. Please note we cannot accept more than three words per donation (e.g. ‘A Generous Family’ or ‘Derek the Dragon’).
2. Your mailing address.
3. Your email address (if you have one)


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© Expedition 360 Productions, LLC. 2003